The EVIL Are Everywhere. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. The Battle of GOOD vs EVIL, the EndTimes, the Apocalypse, the Final Judgement, Revelations, and the Great Judgement Day, spoken of by God-Allah-Yahweh to his Prophets, Righteous, and Holy, is about to arrive. Since the Sun and Moon began rising and setting in different locations, the Day approaches for the Judgement.
All your deeds GOOD and EVIL are recorded and stored in the Archives of the Kingdom of Heaven. Your very souls are recorded and stored, so you may be brought back, to receive rewards or punishments. The Truth is known about all of US, and nothing is hidden from God-Allah-Yahweh and Heaven. You think that your EVIL-Sins-Misdeeds, will be rewarded by a false god of the dead. The Kingdom of Heaven is a Kingdom of the Living, not some made up, fake dimension, where you are given virgins, servants, and eternal festivities. The Righteous are rewarded with Eternal Life, like that of the residents of Heaven, and all disease and pain are cured, and the knowledge of the libraries of Heaven shall be open to them. The EVIL shall have the damnation and punishments of Hell.
Recent Articles 12-14-20. – Great Archangel
The (D)EVIL Did It. – Great Archangel
The EVIL Hate US. – Great Archangel
11-11-20 News Articles. – Great Archangel
The FreeWorld is over. God-Allah-Yahweh Will Not Save US, only the Righteous. The fate of the United States of America, is to be the same as the Roman Empire. The Dark Age-EndTimes-Apocalypse is now here, and the Great Judgement Day is around the corner. Prepare yourselves.
The FreeWorld is over. God-Allah-Yahweh Will Not Save US, only the Righteous. The fate of the United States of America, is to be the same as the Roman Empire. The Dark Age-EndTimes-Apocalypse is now here, and the Great Judgement Day is around the corner. Prepare yourselves.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.