The Holy Texts. Here are the Holy Texts of the 3 primary monotheistic religions. Please note, that the God of Abraham, is the same for all, even if they use different names. God-Allah-Yahweh is what we call him, to recognize this simple fact.
Tanakh1917 the-torah The-Structured-Torah-JPS-1917 kjvbible AV1611 FullBible Quran-with-English-Translation English-Quran-Yusuf-Ali Quran_KhanHere are some of the books that pertain to the EndTimes.
Isaiah-Tanakh1917-3 Ezekiel-Tanakh1917-2 Daniel-Tanakh1917 Revelation-KJBIBLE Daniel-KJBIBLE Sura114-English-QuranGod-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.